Innovate By Day - A New Look For A New Tone

I worked with a team of other product designers to redesign the website of Innovate By Day in an effort to better communicate their voice and tone as well as help users understand the services they provide better. Innovate By Day is a B2B strategic marketing and content studio that were looking to showcase its brand personality on its website and attract new clients.The company aims to show its values on the website, simplify services, and stand out in the competitive market.

Role: Product Designer || Timeline: 4 months (Jan - Apr '22) || Core Skills Used: User Research, User Interface Design, Prototyping, Content Strategy, Branding


Addressing the voice and tone on the current innovate By Day website to better show the company values and brand personality

Innovate By Day, a dynamic strategic marketing and content studio, is embarking on a transformative journey to elevate its online presence and engage prospective clients effectively. The company envisions a website redesign that authentically reflects its distinctive brand personality, encapsulating its core values and positioning itself as a beacon of authenticity in the competitive market. The primary objectives include showcasing the company's values prominently, streamlining the presentation of services for enhanced accessibility, and ultimately establishing a compelling digital platform that not only resonates with the target audience but also sets Innovate By Day apart as an industry leader.


The overarching goal of this project is to strategically enhance the online presence of Innovate By Day by effectively communicating and amplifying the company's strengths and core values. To achieve this, the redesign will employ a modern user interface style that not only aligns with contemporary design trends but also imbues a sense of vibrancy and enjoyment into the overall user experience. The incorporation of interactive elements stands as a pivotal objective, aiming to elevate user engagement and foster a dynamic interaction between visitors and the website. Through these integrated strategies, the project seeks to not only showcase the brand's essence but also create a compelling and enjoyable online environment that resonates with both existing and potential clients.

Research Aspect

Innovate By Day Target Audience: Users on a platform can be a wide range but for this project, these specific users are highlighted

It is aimed at the following companies that are seeking to improve their online presence in the market and achieve great results:

1. Women and diverse-led small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to grow their businesses. As an external marketing department and/or as digital content advisors, they help companies evolve their brand and build audiences and engagement.

2. Large Financial Industry Clients (e.g., RBC, TD, BMO, Scotiabank) that need external creative production companies to prepare narrative content about their initiatives and investments. Their strong female leadership is well-positioned during a time when large corporations are trying to diversify their vendors.

3. CulturalCreativeCompaniesandOrganizations(e.g.,MLSE,BellMedia,CBC, imagineNATIVE, Telefilm, CMF, Ontario Creates, Destination Ontario, WIFT, museums) who need external resources to support their in-house marketing and communications teams.

4. Government Ministries, Agencies, and Departments (Municipal, Provincial, and Federal) who require marketing expertise and content to support internal or public-facing programs and initiatives.

Some Key Issues and Opportunities Highlighted

Some minor and major problems based on evidence were identified, and it is believed that these are the underlying causes of problems. After mind mapping, the following issues were identified and the opportunities that can come from these issues.

Problem: Developing the brand personality in the best way

Solution: Lack of brand personality is losing users' attention and not helping shape public perception of a brand based on how it behaves, what it says and how it looks to users. So representing the authenticity, memorability, and trustability of the brand will attract more business.

Problem: Repositioning brand values within the firm

Solution: It is a women-led business but it has been challenging to show who it really is and what its principles are. We think by connecting the team and explaining ethics and the milestones journey will reposition the brand values.

Problem: Restructuring the service page

Solution: The brand offers numerous services (which is good) but it can be confusing and indecisive for users. Hence, it would be a good opportunity for simplifying the services page and presenting it in a way that will engage users. 

We ran a heuristics analysis of the current website heuristic analysis

1. Visibility of System Status: The current website provides a feature to inform users where they currently are on the website by highlighting the particular tab they are on in orange on the navigation section.

2. Match Between System & Real World: They made great use of terminologies that are not new to users, or would require users asking further questions.

3. User Control & Freedom: User can reach any page/link from any page they are currently thanks to the consistency in the navigation bar on each page.

4. Consistency and Standards: The style guide and current branding is maintained across the full website.

5. Error Prevention: The current forms don't provide a way of preventing errors from happening such as displaying suggestions or formats for users to follow.

6. Recognition Rather Than Recall: A recognition system isn't initialised on the website and isn't really needed.

7. Flexibility and Efficiently of Use: There are no customised feature for frequent works

8. Aesthetic and Minimalistic Design: The website is easy to use and navigate. it also makes good use of white space.

9. Help Users With Errors: They provide prevention methods in their newsletter subscription form for when users enter a wrong email format.

10. Help and Documentation: There is no help and documentation feature included in the current site.

Competitive Analysis

We ran a competitive analysis to see what the competition does and how we can leverage on that.

Content Strategy Highlights

Things Being Done Well

1. Precise content, short description, every topic is explained 

2. Use of terms like ‘Let’s work together’, “Let’s get started’ - inviting and personal

3. Persuasive and draws attention

Improvements That Can Be Made

1. Avoid repetitive use of words 

2. Lacks consistency in the use of words and jargon, can be minimised through structuring the content and eliminating the multiple words 

3. Too many call for action buttons with different tones, can be neutralised by using neutral terms and phrases.

4. Some parts of the website is text heavy, can be narrowed down to precise information by producing copy structuring

5. There are too many tabs with different categories, this can be structured through bucketing information and using open card techniques

6. Producing engaging content through use of images and balancing it with a short 2-3 line description.

Some simple user flows and storylines

For this project, we created 2 user flows from the perspective of 2 different potential website entry points: From google search and from word of mouth and banner ads.

User Flow 1: User coming through Google Search

User Flow 2: User coming through Word of Mouth / Banner Ad


Some Improvements Made

1. The addition of testimonials from brands that speak of how the services have benefitted them.


Poor tone showcase on the index page and showcase of company values


Showcasing a very wonderful video showing the company values and brand as well as adding a cleaner user interface

2. Showing the values Innovate By Day can provide for clients


Content heavy page


Use of infographics for easier understanding and navigation

3. Presenting the forms better


Form design and interactiveness


Interactive form and map system


Many more improvements were made to the general layout and architecture of the website. I invite you to interact with the prototype.

Would you like to interact with the final prototype?

Click Here To View Prototype

Additional Features

Special Interactive Element

An additional feature was included in the project that allows users find out about specific services that Innovate By Day provide and also learn what service they require from Innovate By Day before contacting the company. This helps users understand their needs better and also creates a fun environment that users can interact with.

The tools used in creating this were InVision Studio and Figma.

Click Here To View Interactive Element I Created For Client


Here are some recommendations made to the client after the full design process

1. The addition of the “Service Connector” feature to the services page to boost user understanding of Innovate By Day services. This will give users a more information before contacting the company for more information.

2. A potential redesign and restructure of the Innovate By Day logo to show the brand personality better and the fact that the company is a marketing agency that offers multiple interactive services.  

3. The addition of animations to explain each service Innovate By  Day provides to the public. This is to provide users with an interactive fun way to gain more information on the website without losing interest or getting bored.